

This is the hardest, to make a plan and stick with it.

I have great ambitions for plans:

To put away my phone.

To actually wake up at 5:40 am.

To not slam doors.

To go running.

Two things always come to mind when I think about discipline.

1) Own your morning!

No one owns your morning but you. Not even your kids. I heard a life counselor say in a seminar that she once met a woman who just wanted to have breakfast with her kids. But she complained they kept her running around so much she could never do it.

The counselor asked her: Could you wake up 30 minutes earlier? Could your older kids or your husband help? Could you prep it the night before?

It’s hard to make that choice, but yes she could wake up earlier. There’s nothing stopping that.

2) Christians learn to love discipline!

(or maybe that’s Catholics). 😊 I’m pulling that either from the Best Lent Ever or Best Advent Ever podcast. But I agree. We learn to love the steady structure of the mass, the fasting during Lent and the other things that take discipline.

Also, disciple must be derived from discipline, right? I bet it’s in the etymology. 😁 (I did not look it up.)


I want to run a 5k soon. The things I need to do to make that work are: Go to bed early, wake up early, leave work early, workout before dinner, eat real food.

It sounds like a lot, but in my mind, that’s what is needed. And if I can achieve it, then I accomplished more than just a race. That’s why discipline matters. 🎤

The last week or so, I did two runs and one workout. So I’m slowly on my way. And there’s always the reminder of little girl. 😅